How i almost destroyed my career in software techThis is an expose about all of the things i did that made it almost possible for my career in software development to hit the lowest point…Dec 17, 20242Dec 17, 20242
I write and think of code much differently now than i used toThis article is inspired by another article with a similar title. I will be stating the things that have changed in the way i write code…Sep 12, 20241Sep 12, 20241
When to safely and reliably deploy regular expressions in your codebase.Regular expressions have long been demonised for being totally unreliable and tacky solutions which should be avoided at all cost in most…Aug 29, 2024Aug 29, 2024
How to keep learning well as a life-long creative.When you started out as a beginner in your journey as a software engineer, you were interested and entranced by what was possible and…Aug 24, 2024Aug 24, 2024
An attempt at a unified theory on software engineeringRecently, i have been musing over a thought (a question more correctly) that i have had for a very long time. I have been writing and…Jul 7, 2024Jul 7, 2024
Published inStackademicIndirection and Abstraction: When to correctly extract code for reuse.One thing i have observed when some software engineers talk about “abstraction” (and even mention the term while making a point) is that…May 12, 2024May 12, 2024
Introducing react-busser: Designing for better application data flow in ReactJS — Part 2Hey there! It’s been a minute since Part 1 right ? I apologize that it has taken this long to get back to it. However, we are here now and…Apr 22, 2024Apr 22, 2024
Hey newbie, as you learn to code, please re-invent the wheel a lot!Most software engineers will say: “Don’t re-invent the wheel, it’s a waste of time!”. Yet, they still want to compete favourably on the…Jan 3, 2024Jan 3, 2024
Published inBootcampShould we improve full-stack DX at all cost just so as to improve UX as well ?This is a question that has been on my mind for a while. By the way DX stands for Developer Experience while UX stands for User Experience…Nov 30, 2023Nov 30, 2023
Work Planning and managing the cost of change when building digital products (software)Hello there, it’s been some time since my last article. Well, that’s because lately my head has been filled with lots of writing topics…Oct 6, 2023Oct 6, 2023